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Start My Business -FAQs

1. Can I receive consultation before starting my business?

Yes. Start My Business offers detailed consultation sessions to clear your queries and encourage you to initiate your corporate venture. Feel free to contact us to book your session.

2. Who can help me with my business plan?

The team of consultants and advisors at Start My Business can guide you every step of the way of your business venture whereas our exceptional marketers can help your brand reach the masses.

3. How much will it cost for an initial consultation?

It varies depending on the complexity of the questions however in most cases (99% of the time) initial consultations will be free.

4. Can my business receive government support?

There are various requirements and support programs offered by the Australian government. Please review our Government Support section to learn more.

5. How much does it cost to become a member of Start My Business?

Please review the packages available at Start My Business here.

No fuss! You can pay in instalments that suit your situation and align the final payment with the delivery of your package.

7. What services can I receive at Start My Business?

- Business/ABN Registrations

  • 1. Individual/Sole Trader
  • 2. Partnership
  • 3. Company

- Email, Invoice and Quote templates

  • 1. Professional Email
  • 2. Email Signature
  • 3. Quote template
  • 4. Invoicing template
  • 5. Letterhead template

- Logo/Uniform/Business Card design

  • 1. Logo Design
  • 2. Business Card Design
  • 3. Uniform Design
  • 4. Decal/Signage/Uniform Prints

- Website Design/Marketing

  • 1. Domain Name (www.example.com.au)
  • 2. Website Development
  • 3. Website Hosting
  • 4. Content Writing
  • 5. Website Security
  • 6. Website Maintenance
  • 7. Mobile Applications
  • 8. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • 9. Social Media Management
  • 10. Social Media Marketing
  • 11. Goodle Ads Lead Generationt
  • 12. Search Engine Submission (Google profiling, indexing,listing)

- Business Advisory Services

  • 1. Ad-hoc writing support (emails to win contracts or deal with complaints)
  • 2. Ongoing monthly support
  • 3. Yearly business review/support
  • 4. Ad-hoc business model review
  • 5. Business Plan support

For a detailed description on each of these service, please visit the Services Page.