Company Form

Company ABN Registration Form


Your business details

Step 1 of 9

Business history: *
Have you had an ABN in the past?

Enter your old ABN:
Australian Business Number
If you have your previous ABN to hand, please provide it in order to ensure that you registration is as quick as possible. if you have lost or forgotten your previous ABN, please do not wory.


ABN Entitlement

Step 2 of 9

Where will your activities be carried out?
Carried out in Australia
An entity that is carrying on an enterprise in Australia, or makes supplies connected with Australia (such as an oversease entity that doesn't have a permanent establishment in Australia), is entitled to an ABN
Why do you need an ABN? *
Nature of Activity
To be entitled to an ABN, an entity must be carrying on an enterprise. An enterprise could be a business, an independent contractor, a taxi driver, a rental property, a licence or one-off commercial transactions.

Sorry, if your business activities are not carried out in Australia
we are unable to provide our service to you online.

Please contact the ATO for entitlement consideration.


Company Details

Step 3 of 9

Company Name: *
Is the company a majority-owned subsidiary?
Please provide the holding company's ACN


Director and Public Officer Details

Step 4 of 9

Director details

Full name *

Position held:
Your Email: *
Phone Number: *
Date Of Birth: *
Country Of Birth: *
City Of Birth *
Tax file number (TFN):
Tax File Number (TFN)
You do not have to provide a Tax File Number as part of your application, but if you do not, your ABN application may be delayed.
Home address: *


Business Location

Step 5 of 9

Business address: *
Is your business located at this address:
You will need to provide details of the principal place of business in Australia of the business name holder. This should be the primary location where you intend to carry on a business under the business name. This address must be a physical or street address in Australia. A post office box is not acceptable. You must ensure that this address is kept current. If your principal place of business is the same as your residential address, this address will not show on the public register. However, the suburb, postcode and state or territory will show up.
Is this your address for service?
You will need to provide a physical or street address in Australia for service of documents. A post office box is not acceptable. This address will be on the public register and address details will appear in searches. You must ensure that address is kept current.
Where will your activities be carried out?


ABN Registration details

Step 6 of 9

ABN active date: *
Main business activity: *
Business Category: *
Business history of all partners?
Business history of all partners?


Business Name Application

Step 7 of 9

Will you trade under a business name? *
Business Name
A business name is a name or title under which a person or other legal entity trades. It identifies you to your customer and allows you to different yourself from your cometitors


Domain Name Registration

Step 8 of 9

Do you want to register a domain name for your business name?



GST Registration

Step 9 of 9

Will you transfer for gst?


GST Registration
You must register for GST if you run a business or enterprise and your GST turnover is $75,000 or more ($150,000 or more for non-profit organizations). It is your responsibility to register if your turnover exceed the relevant threshold or is likely to exceed it.

By submitting this form, I declare that BUSINESS SOLUTION EXPERTS PTY LTD (ABN 33 666 599 631) is authorised to submit an ABN application to the Australian Tax Office on my behalf and to do so alongside their registered tax agent. If necessary, BUSINESS SOLUTION EXPERTS PTY LTD (ABN 33 666 599 631) will also submit a Business Name application to the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC). I understand that BUSINESS SOLUTION EXPERTS PTY LTD will utilise information supplied by me in this form to apply for an ABN, and if requested or necessary, will remain my ASIC agent and notify me when my business name requires renewal. I confirm that I have received the consent of all individuals referred to in this application form, to the submission of their personal information contained in this form to BUSINESS SOLUTION EXPERTS PTY LTD and to the ATO and ASIC as necessary to process this application. I verify that the information supplied is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete.

I also confirm:

  • I am not disqualified from managing corporations under Section 206B(1) of the Corporations Act 2001.
  • Within the last 5 years I have not been convicted of, or released from prison after being convicted of, and serving a term of imprisonment for, any of the criminal offences referred to in Section 32(1)(c) or (d) of the Business Names Registration Act 2011.
  • This application is submitted under, and is compliant with, the terms and conditions of the ASIC Electronic Lodgement Protocol.
  • The information supplied is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
  • I understand the best structure for my business (Company).
  • I have the TFN, date of birth and name, OR name, address and date of birth for all key people in my business.
  • I am not applying for an ABN just because I have been asked to get an one as a condition of employment.
  • I possess or will possess some of the essential traits of a business, such as the ability to source my own clients, delegate my work if needed, set my rate of pay, maintain a separate bank account for my business. I am responsible for my own public liability, professional indemnity and/or workers compensation/income protection insurance.
  • I can provide evidence that I am entitled to an ABN if requested.
  • To provide true and correct information in my ABN application. Penalties of up to $12,600 can apply for each false or misleading statement made in an ABN application.
  • Once I have an ABN I must keep it up to date (within 28 days of any change) and cancel it once I am no longer trading or carrying on an enterprise.